Ubuntu-smartphone sales will begin in October


Smartphones based on the Ubuntu operating system with open source will go on sale in October 2013. This was announced by Mark Shuttleworth (Mark Shuttleworth), founder and CEO of Canonical, a company engaged in the promotion of free software among corporate clients.

A Linux-like operating system that is used to manage the elements of the IT infrastructure will become available for a variety of devices, including desktop and tablet computers. The mobile version of Ubuntu was announced last month. The platform, optimized for use with the Galaxy Nexus smartphone manufactured by South Korean Samsung Electronics, will be available to application developers in February.

It is still unclear who will manufacture Ubuntu devices, but according to Shuttleworth, manufacturers of Android smartphones will not be hard to switch to this system. He also noted that the platform will appear in the “two major geographic markets” in the fall, and North America will be the main market for Ubuntu.

Shuttleworth said that telecom operators, who are eager to destroy the hegemony of Apple and Google in the smartphone market, have already noticed the new operating system. At the same time, he refused to give the names of these companies.

Source: Wsj.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/phone/prodazhi-ubuntu-smartfonov-nachnutsya-v-oktyabre.html.
