Google started selling wireless charging for the Nexus 4 smartphone


While in the West, people are facing a shortage of Nexus 4, and Svyaznoy is threatening how to take and start selling the device from Russia to Russia at an inadequate price of 20 thousand rubles (overseas the device is selling for $ 350), Google decided that for the release of wireless charging for the Nexus 4 Wireless Charger, which the company announced back in October last year.

Nexus 4 Wireless Charger does not look like flat wireless charging for the flagship Nokia Lumia smartphones, but is made in the shape of a ball. It uses Qi inductive charging technology, allows you to charge your phone in about 4 hours and was designed specifically for use with Nexus 4.

At the moment, Nexus 4 Wireless Charger is available in the Google Play Store online store for $ 60. Unfortunately, at the moment in Russia, charging, as well as the smartphone itself, can only be purchased through third parties, because the “iron” Google store does not work with our country (as with other countries).

It remains to rely on retailers like Svyaznoy, but in this case we should not wait for adequate prices again.


The article is based on materials
