We destroy myths about unlimited communication tariffs

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As evidenced by recent data, smartphones bypassed simple phones by their popularity, and it seems that this is not just a temporary phenomenon, but an irreversible trend that will not change in the foreseeable future. Currently, mobile Internet lovers prefer to buy only unlimited traffic-related plans, while the possibility of making unlimited calls for our compatriots is still perceived as inadmissible luxury. Is it really? To answer this question, we turned to the specialists of the MT-Network company, who contributed to the preparation of this material.

In order to understand this issue as thoroughly as possible, we decided to compare the offers of unlimited tariffs of the MT-Network company with those that can now be connected to the cellular communication operators. For example, we take the standard situation when a subscriber does a little bit of everything during the day:

• calls about 30 minutes a day,
• sending about 5 SMS,
• checking email, getting traffic information and browsing the Internet

First, take a look at what Beeline offers us. As we remember, in the offices of the operator, individuals can activate the “Zero Doubt” tariff. The difference with the proposal from the "MT-Network" - at least 5000 rubles per year.


Next - "Megaphone". 50 rubles a day at the tariff “Unlimited Megaphone” against 63 rubles of the “native” tariff plan “It's simple”.


Finally, let us review the proposal of another member of the “Big Three” - MTS. MT-Network offers to use unlimited communication for 40 rubles per day, while having connected to the Super MTS tariff, you have to pay 53 rubles per day for a small “piece” of communication.


At the same time, if you look at what can be purchased for a specified monthly fee, it becomes obvious that the MT-Network often offers more than when connecting to the tariffs of operators. And since MT-Network is the official representative of the Big Three operators, you will be able to connect the tariff of exactly the operator you prefer the most.

Perhaps the most pleasant thing is that a user-friendly payment system is implemented. Almost at all tariffs the monthly fee is deducted daily in equal parts, so the subscriber does not need to pay the entire amount for the month at once. And having constant access to your balance, you can keep track of how much you need to deposit in order not to suddenly be in the red. We hope that this information will force you to reconsider your views on unlimited communication and stop counting precious minutes of conversation.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/phone/razrushaem-mify-o-bezlimitnyx-tarifax-svyazi.html.
