The state of the BlackBerry will not help


The BlackBerry handset maker will not get help from the state to get out of the current difficult financial situation. Such a statement was made by Canadian Industry Minister James Moore. The government hopes that the company itself will find a way out of the impasse. But if she fails, the state will not interfere. Earlier it was reported that the company is considering various ways out of the current difficult situation.

In an interview with Bloomberg, James Moore spoke highly of the company's past achievements:

It is a Canadian company with a long history of innovation and important changes that it brought to the products we use all of us. This gives work to many Canadians. It is a source of pride for the Canadian people, and we hope that everything will be fine with it.

The minister gave the company his recommendation:

... offer devices, services, platforms and content that will be well received by the market.

Canadian pension funds have expressed interest in working with BlackBerry.

Regardless of whether the dominance of Android is eternal or temporary, other platforms have a hard time. Some (like iOS) feel very confident, others, alas, cannot find their place in the challenging modern smartphone market.

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