Why are Harvard students trying to teleport smells?


Imagine that you could post on Instagram not only photos and videos, but also smells. It seems that this will soon become a reality. The device, developed by students of Harvard University under the guidance of researchers at the Le Laboratoire Center for Arts and Science in Paris, is capable of transmitting smell over long distances. A mobile accessory called Ophone ensures the transfer of olfactory signals as easily as a smartphone sends text and picture messages.

Ophone will allow you to instantly send olfactory messages around the world. It will look the same as sending voice or text messages, only in the language of smell, - says a professor at Harvard University and the founder of Le Laboratoire David Edwards.

The technology is based on the use of a small cartridge capable of producing a wide variety of odors. The accessory is attached to the smartphone and works with the oTracks mobile satellite application.


The Olfactive Project is the result of cooperation between people of art and science who want to realize the long-held dream of a universal language. The idea is not only to reproduce the existing mode of communication, but also to create a new language. We wanted to find a way to accurately spray smells and their subsequent combination with images. These two ideas formed the basis of Ophone, - says Edwards.

Thus, Ophone allows not only to accurately reproduce smells and share them with friends, but also to associate them with photos on the screen of Android-smartphone. The developers hope that the final version of the device will be able to transmit up to ten thousand odors. In the future, they also plan to add support for trapping odors, which will create a new form of communication.

Meanwhile, scientists at the National University of Singapore are skillfully cheating the taste buds.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/phone/zachem-garvardskie-studenty-pytayutsya-teleportirovat-zapaxi.html.
