Archaeologists found the 2800-year-old Nokia phone


In the Austrian city of Fuschl am See, the researchers dug up something very similar to the 2,800-year-old Mesopotamian clay cell phone (judging by the quality of the photos, the researchers themselves use only a few newer models).

According to the information published on a very respectable website, it is not known what archaeologists were looking for when they came across this artifact similar to the Nokia tube, but their original purpose was certainly not Sumerian clay mobile phones.


How did the phone with wedge-shaped inscriptions got into modern Austria, you ask? In the end, Mesopotamia never extended north or west of the territory of modern Turkey. The authors of the news suggest that the aliens created the Sumerian civilization, but were forced to hide the artifact after a failed attempt to connect people to the cellular connection.

Unfortunately, modern technology still does not know the technology that allows clay mobile phones to work.

Based on the materials of Popular Mechanics

The article is based on materials
