In the US they want to ban the sale of smartphones without removable batteries

After the recent scandal with the slowdown of the iPhone due to the deterioration of the battery to the "apple" company drew close attention not only Internet critics, but also the US authorities. However, Apple's actions can spoil the sales not only to itself, but also to all manufacturers of smartphones with a monolithic case, after all, the state authorities of Washington are already considering a bill banning the sale of devices in which it is impossible to replace the battery on their own.

It is worth noting that the bill has already been approved by the profile committee and is now undergoing additional checks before the final vote is taken. You might think that the new law was developed quite quickly, but it is not so. The author of the project Jeff Morris has long paid attention to the manufacturers of equipment, which, thanks to the hull design, "force" users to buy new devices, rather than repairing old ones. As stated by Jeff himself,

"I developed the project before the news of the deliberate slowdown of Apple's work of their smartphones. Initially, the new law had to deal with unscrupulous manufacturers who impose the purchase of new devices to their users. The scandal with Apple only gave the bill the necessary momentum. "

In this case, the new law, if adopted, will affect only smartphones, laptops, tablets, e-books and similar devices and will not affect small devices like smart watches, bracelets, wireless headphones and others, because in them it is really difficult to install removable batteries. It is also worth noting that such bills are currently being considered in 17 US states and they all have one thing in common: not to allow companies to make it difficult to change the batteries in their devices.

The article is based on materials
