The computational power of Huawei Ascend P6 allows you to assemble a Rubik's cube in just 50 movements


ARM engineer and part-time coder David Gildey created the “MultiCuber 3” - a device that allows, thanks to the computing power of smartphones, to solve the Rubik's cube with a field of 4 x 4 x 4.

Based on a set of Lego Mindstorms, software algorithms and a sense of style, the developer has created a kind of benchmark. In addition, for the operation of the system, a special application is used, which takes pictures of the cube from all angles and sends them to the smartphone's memory. Then, in the same application, the smartphone processor calculates the correct combination and thus solves the puzzle.

Guilday says that at best, a person needs to do 120 movements to solve a Rubik's cube by a 4 x 4 x 4 field. As proof that there are still things that the equipment solves better than a person, the engineer cited the example of a new announced smartphone Huawei Ascend P6, which only took 50 moves to solve the puzzle.

Of course, this is not a world record, but the sight is quite entertaining. We suggest you evaluate it yourself.

The article is based on materials
