Xperia Z: the start date of sales in Germany and the price in Russia

xperia z

Sony has left a message on its official Facebook page, which says that the new flagship smartphone Xperia Z based on the Android operating system will be available in Germany starting February 21.

The company invites everyone on this day to visit its Sony Store in Berlin and one of the first to buy a new flagship. Portal reports that sales on February 21 will begin exclusively in this store.


Sony itself so far does not report whether the device will be available on the same day from other retailers.

As for Russia, the Russian division of Sony Mobile Russia is not reporting the exact date of the Xperia Z sale, but only indicates that the novelty should appear on the shelves in the twentieth of February. But it is already known how much the new flagship will cost - 29,990 rubles . At least, the price is indicated by the official partners of the company, Svyaznoy and M.Video.


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