To hack an Android smartphone, you need to freeze it

Чтобы взломать Android-смартфон его нужно заморозить

German scientists from FAU found the easiest way to hack a smartphone running Android. To gain access to confidential information, the device is enough ... to freeze!

Android 4.0 smartphones (Ice Cream Sandwich) use the scrambling principle — that is, the reversible data transformation that turns them into a set that has properties characteristic of a random sequence. End users can only say “Thank you!” For taking care of the encryption of their personal information. But law enforcement agencies have a hard time when you need to extract data from the gadgets of criminals. As a matter of fact, it was precisely from the desire to help the police that German scientists began searching for ways to circumvent the protection of Android smartphones.

As it turned out, this is not at all difficult. Scientists put an experimental smartphone in the freezer and left it to cool to -10 degrees Celsius. In a cooled phone, data is slowly unloaded from memory, leaving more time to search for encryption keys. This method of hacking the smartphone is good in conjunction with the quick connection and disconnection of the battery, which makes it possible to run programs on it that replace the Android OS. With their help, you can do almost anything with the phone, and most importantly, copy the encrypted data to a personal computer in order to analyze it without haste.

The researchers put their experiences on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus - a smartphone that became one of the first devices with the Android encryption system. Scientists have successfully extracted from him all the contacts, the preserved history and personal photos. Before repeating the described sequence of actions, we recommend to make sure that you no longer need a smartphone - it is possible that, after freezing, you will have to change the samsung galaxy nexus screen and subject it to a full-scale repair. And, in principle, it is better to carry out experiments on devices that are not sorry to lose, so they can be frozen, hacked and subjected to other unconventional methods of influence.

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