Samsung Galaxy S4: plastic, gloss, soap and consumer goods

Samsung Galaxy S4

That night, Samsung’s tech-giant, almost single-handedly representing the Android-smartphone market, presented the latest achievement by South Korean mobile engineers: the Galaxy S4 . To say that this smartphone was waiting a lot - to say nothing. But what, in essence, did fans of widescreen touch phones running the Google operating system get? I'm not afraid of this word: nothing .

Let's go back to the distant 2005, when the world has not yet seen the iPhone, but used rather large phones with miniature (by today's standards) displays. Despite the dominance of assorted phones and their manufacturers in the market and in hardware stores, there was essentially nothing to choose from. People just wanted to “call”, and the best camera on a mobile device took pictures that are comparable in quality to those of today's front cameras. Of course, many people squeezed the 1.5-inch display to the maximum (thanks to GPRS and Opera mini), but the fact remains: people did not know what they wanted, because there was nothing to want. And they did not know what they were paying for. Primary broth, grab and run.

After the release of the Galaxy S4, I realized that people again do not know what they want. Smartphones have become commonplace, which means that the South Korean corporation understands that of those people who have not yet joined the rhythmic course of sensory technologies (or vice versa, they are used to and want a bigger display), many will choose “bigger, stronger, stronger”. And it relies on such ludicrous advantages that you can break the tummies by listening to about 441 ppi, reducing the weight by 3 grams, an 8-core chipset and a 13-megapixel camera. This is exactly what it is worth to throw out the Galaxy S3 and take the new Galaxy S4, paying (no one has canceled it) very decent money?

The problem is this. When a manufacturer company updates its flagship smartphone line with a device on which the best minds year, the update should be significant. Significant enough to add 1 to get to figure 3 and get 4. People believe in this, because for the past five years, mobile device manufacturers have been doing just that. And whether the device will become cult (like the iPhone 4S), being just an augmented version is another question. But not vice versa. Samsung is also famous for its marketing machine, and it’s much more profitable for it to present not the Samsung Galaxy “es three and a half”, but a full-fledged “four”. Thereby mislead people far from the world of technology. I am sure for one hundred percent that the owner of the Galaxy S3, being in his right mind, will not be "updated" to S4.

When Apple introduced the iPhone 5, many people found the update "minor" and began to spit, hinting that "without Jobs, Apple is not the same." Now we look at Samsung. Samsung repeated the feat of Apple is not to revolutionize and sell devices in huge numbers, but to give people something new in the old packaging. So that a person does not understand what he pays for. But not for that.

What's new in the Samsung Galaxy S IV?

Galaxy S4 и Galaxy S3

Even my colleague, who is behind Samsung and denies Apple, noted that “if for good, the new flagship should have been named Galaxy S III Plus, or something like that”.

Software ? With all my good attitude towards the development of information technology, I do not believe that Samsung’s software is doing well. Android’s “patented interface braking” on Android and the constant shortage of battery (and what to feed a 4.9-inch PenTile?) Is not going anywhere. Translator S Translator. Fine. Playing music together on two or more Galaxy S4. Incredible. The S Health app to monitor your unhealthy lifestyle. Indescribable. And TouchWiz, now experiencing the same problems of middle-aged user interfaces as the decrepit iOS. As they say in Russia, "we have become better dressed."

Hardware ? It has long been no news that increasing the "meat" like increasing the processor cores (which are not what to send), increasing the battery capacity by 500 points (which still does not solve the problem of discharge) and pixel density (which is much higher than that device’s which you are currently reading this text) does not make the weather. Samsung simply mocks, using a proven strategy that helps it to row the loot with the very "shovel", which is called the Galaxy S3: People hawala.

Design ? Here I will allow my righteous anger to burst out in full force, and I solemnly promise that I will never bring this five-inch bar of soap to my ear. Look at the direction in which modern smartphones are moving. HTC introduced the HTC One - elegant, fresh and distilled, but alas, hopeless and painfully reminiscent of the iPhone. Sony surprised the market with the Xperia Z, although it "deceives" the buyer after the purchase - to the touch it is clearly not the same as in appearance. And here - the bomb - Samsung launches the next Galaxy S not just practically in the same shell as the previous one, but also gleaming with gloss even in pitch darkness. Apparently, he smells like soap too. Samsung invented soap. When the thought came to me that this snow-removing consumer goods would be sold in millions of copies, I decided that either the world had gone mad, or, inspired by the success of Samsung, decided not to stand on ceremony and record fools among its target audience.

Before you beat me with sticks, I note: I am not against 5-inch displays. But not in such a poor shell, well, really. I don't think so alone. Our readers are indignant, both in the comments and in twitter . The Samsung marketing machine leaves no chance to competitors in the Android market, and the only thing that can correct the situation is the adequacy of future buyers. Samsung Galaxy S4 is a Pyrrhic victory in the smartphone market.

To top it off, I want to ask readers one question. For example, HTC One will be released in Russia at a price of 30,000 rubles. For example, the cost of the Galaxy S4 will be the same amount of rubles. You break a piggy bank and buy ... Samsung Galaxy S4? But what makes you make that choice? You understand what an aggressive advertising policy is and you don’t do a trick to this, though not cheap.

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