HTC One Smartphone: BoomSound Premium Sound Quality


Currently, the web has the first results of testing the sound subsystem of the flagship smartphone HTC One. Recall that the HTC BoomSound sound subsystem is represented by two speakers and an integrated amplifier.

The specifications indicate that during playback, the sound level does not exceed 93 dB. At the moment, this is the best indicator among other mobile speakers. Rate the sound quality of the HTC One can be on the video below.

It is also worth noting that the two dual-membrane microphones on the HTC One can record sound without distortion and have a wide dynamic range (120 dB). This is certainly not the Nokia Lumia 920 or 808 PureView, which use three HAAC microphones, and the recording quality does not suffer at a sound pressure level of 140 dB, but the HTC One should not have distortion and noise when recording sound at concerts.


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