In the first advertisement of the Galaxy S4, Samsung laughs again at the iPhone


Every day, the new bickering between Samsung and Apple. And when the reason for this also appears, it is a sin not to use it. As you know, the new flagship smartphone Galaxy S4 from the South Korean giant has already gone on sale. So, the company decided to release the first advertisement on this occasion and, taking advantage of the situation, again to roll out the iPhone from Apple.

The plot of the advertisement takes place around a summer party near the pool and focuses its attention on the owners of the Galaxy S4. In a typical Samsung manner, advertising tells us that the Galaxy S4 is very easy to manage, that the NFC technology used here allows you to instantly share photos with other Galaxy smartphones, simply by putting them together, and you can use your smartphone as a remote control . Even a feature such as Smart Stay, which, judging by the reviews, does not work as smoothly and clearly as we would like, is presented here as one of the key reasons that should push people to throw their iPhones.

Advertising is really filed in such a way that the iPhone owners here seem to be lost to nerds, who are clearly not in their place and in general “got the door wrong”. By the way, notice that almost all iPhone owners in this ad are older people. Apparently Samsung thus wants to say that the Galaxy S4 is for young people, and the iPhone is for “old foots”.

The practice of trolling in advertising for Samsung is not new. During the release of the iPhone 5 in September last year, Samsung released a series of videos in which the company ridiculed people queuing for the new iPhone, and then the geolocation capabilities of the “apple” product.

The article is based on materials
