Mobile phones without GLONASS will be banned in Russia

С 2014 года в России запрещается использование мобильных телефонов, не поддерживающих ГЛОНАСС

From 2014, it will be possible to use exclusively mobile phones in Russia that meet the requirements for supporting the Russian GLONASS system and the receivers of global navigation satellite systems installed in them.

The draft law states that in order to ensure the sustainability of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation in various conditions, it is necessary that the global navigation satellite system used is controlled from the territory of the Russian Federation and is under Russian jurisdiction. Such systems include the global navigation satellite system GLONASS, writes with reference to the draft order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media.

Also, one of the priority areas for the spread of GLONASS technology in the mobile communications field is to create conditions for the effective use of GLONASS signals in all cellular phones in Russia, and therefore it is proposed to adopt an order of the Ministry setting requirements for mobile phones equipped with global navigation satellite systems , including the GLONASS system.

As the authors of the bill note, after the adoption of this order, its requirements will be distributed absolutely to all mobile phone manufacturers, as well as their sellers, who will be required to confirm that the devices they ship to Russia comply with the requirements for navigation systems, including GLONASS. And in turn, the Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) will register declarations of such compliance. Roskomnadzor will be charged with monitoring the use in Russia of only those subscriber terminals that have a declaration registered in accordance with the law to confirm their compliance with the requirements of the order being drafted, which will take effect in the first quarter of 2014.

The article is based on materials
