Rumors: the Samsung Galaxy S5 fingerprint sensor will be full screen

Сканер отпечатков пальцев в Galaxy S5 будет на весь экран

The closer the upcoming event of Samsung, the more different rumors associated with the new device, fill the Internet. The latest data, published by iTechAddict, is related to the Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone and its alleged fingerprint.

However, unlike previous rumors, iTechAddict claims that their reliable source from the Indian division of Samsung told them that the Korean company is working on a fingerprint scanner that will be embedded directly into the device’s screen and that the user can unlock the smartphone by placing a finger at any point on the screen.

The source reports that this sensor is a development of Samsung itself. This will allow the company to fully control the production process and not be dependent on third-party developers.

Well, it remains to wait not so long, and we will see which rumors associated with the Galaxy S5 are confirmed, and which are not. Recall that Samsung has already sent out invitations to the upcoming event, which will be held on February 24.

The article is based on materials
