Nintendo will release demos of their games for smartphones

Nintendo выпустит демо-версии своих игр для смартфонов

Not so long ago, we wrote that the president of the oldest Japanese company involved in video games, is thinking about how to use the smartphone and tablet market to benefit their business. And now the media has already leaked the first bits of information regarding the reforms inside Nintendo.

As expected, Nintendo will not port its gaming hits to popular mobile operating systems, but will only allow smartphone owners to familiarize themselves with free demo versions and mini-games based on their motives. Like a demo or a mini-game - buy our console and the full version of the game for 50-60 dollars, and only after that play it as much as you like.

It would be foolish to believe that Nintendo decides to leave the production directly to game consoles and concentrate on the mobile entertainment market. First of all, this company is famous for the production of gaming devices with innovative management methods. Easy-to-use motion-control appeared for the first time in their Wii console, asynchronous gameplay with two screens and five players simultaneously on the Wii U console, and the Nintendo 3DS handheld console allowed users to see the 3D image without using special glasses. On the sale of iron Nintendo makes a part of its profits and the Japanese are not going to give up this line of their business.

So far, this information is published in the press under the heading "rumor", but already this week the head of Nintendo should speak to the shareholders of the company and set the course for several years ahead. Letting smartphone users feel what it is like to be the owner of Nintendo consoles is a very good idea. It may be that very soon we will get acquainted with the gaming innovations of the Japanese company directly on their phones running Android and iOS.

The article is based on materials
