HTC hinted at optical zoom in smartphones next year

Смартфон HTC

If you want to know which cameras will appear in smartphones of the near future, then ask Simon Whitehorn from HTC. Currently, HTC is introducing interesting technologies into its mobile phones. One of these is a dual camera system, which allows the user to change focus on an already taken photo. But this is not the only trump card in the sleeve of HTC. Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer is developing a camera for the phone, which can replace a full-fledged camera.

In conversation with the mobile operator Vodafone about the possibilities of 4K resolution, the camera expert Whitehorn said that HTC is preparing a mobile solution for 4K and eight megapixels it will be enough to achieve this permission. According to him, the company expects the widespread distribution of 4K format on TV panels and cameras; as soon as the "next generation HD" becomes a part of user's life, HTC will release its product.

Now, as for the front cameras. As it turns out, HTC wants to win the "SELFI" market (a picture of itself). Whitehorn says that now many are investing in this sphere, and in some markets, the share of "SELFI" in the total amount of photos reaches 90 percent. The company already has a ready decision on this matter. Since each has its own role, the front camera will not chase the rear camera, he said.

In conversation with Vodafone, Whitehorn also touched on the subject of optics for cameras. According to him, before the appearance of this optical zoom in the cameras of smartphones there are 12-18 months left. This technology has already been used in smartphones, but it needs further development, he says.

According to the expert, HTC is already close to giving its smartphones cameras with optical zoom. That's why the company makes less effort to increase the number of megapixels in its cameras.

Two years ago, I could safely say that smartphones will never replace DSLR cameras. Today I will not say so, "Whitehorn reassured.

The article is based on materials
