Mozilla has stopped supporting the operating system Firefox OS

Mozilla прекратила поддержку операционной системы Firefox OS

The operating system Firefox OS was introduced to the public in 2013 as a web alternative to iOS and Android for budget smartphone models. Having survived the release of nine updates, Firefox OS ceases to exist in December 2015. This was reported by representatives of Mozilla in its official press release. The experiment was very curious, but did not bring the desired result to the authors.

Starting from this moment, Mozilla stops development and release of smartphones running Firefox OS, but will try to apply the acquired knowledge and experience in the field of the Internet of things. That's what the vice president of Mozilla, Ari Jaaksey, said during the Mozlando developer's event on Wednesday in Orlando:

"We are very proud of the benefits that Firefox OS brought to the operation of our web platform. Mozilla does not stop experiments in the field of the Internet of things. Our entire ecosystem will continue to exist exclusively as an open source project, focusing on user convenience and the development of existing capabilities. Experience with Firefox OS has demonstrated the flexibility of web systems that can scale from budget smartphones to smart TVs. Nevertheless, we were not able to offer our users the best experience, so we have to stop working on smartphones running this operating system. In the very near future we will share with you information about our new projects. "

The main difference between Firefox OS from Android and iOS is its Internet-orientation. All applications of the operating system were ordinary web applications that can not be used without access to the Web. Perhaps this played a decisive role in the fate of the system. To sell to the people of the third world budget smartphones that are not able to work without constant access to the Network is not the best option for doing business.

The article is based on materials
